Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 27 years. I plan pregnancy. One year ago on term 12 nede...

03.08.2004, 16:28
Hello! To me of 27 years. I plan pregnancy. One year ago on term of 12 weeks of pregnancy the strong bleeding has opened and to me the currettage has been made. Now I have passed or have taken place full clinical inspection - both pipes are passed or taken place;passable, infections are not present, hormones all in norm or rate except for LG (he below norm or rate). US in the middle of a cycle on 14 j day the last month has shown, that folikull has ripened 21 mm, endometry 7. But on 17 j day on US it has been revealed, that break folikulla has not occured or happened and the cyst which has disappeared later was formed. This month on 14 j day of a cycle folikull was only 14 mm and the doctor has told or said, that the ovulation and in this cycle too will not be. Spermogramma the husband in norm or rate. Prompt, please, as it is possible to solve my problem and to stimulate an ovulation. In advance I thank.

Kuharkin S.A.
05.08.2004, 15:24
Observe three months. While there is no need to stimulate. After three mestsev will be more clear that at you with an ovulation. Doobsledovat also costs or stands the husband - MAR the test. UZi + doppler scrotums. One spermogrammoj does not settle or exhaust a question on ability of the man to a fertilization.