Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At me pregnancy of 22 23 weeks. Right at the beginning was...

05.08.2004, 01:59
Hello, the doctor. At me pregnancy of 22 23 weeks. The clamidiosis has been right at the beginning found out and have appointed or nominated treatment Rovamycinum 3/* to 1 tablet of 10 days (3.) and immunal 14 days 3/* 20 drops. After reception 1.5 million rovamitsitina by signs the thrush has opened. Down to this moment all was by way of, and has appeared, as I think, one more good problem. pooslednee US has shown, that with the child very well and attributes of infection with a clamidiosis are not present. The problem of a thrush has arisen only two days zazad. How much seriously it can complicate business? How can prvlijat on the child? And what treatment is more preferable? Up to pregnancy it was treated by suppositories with Nistatinum and soda trays or basins in a hospital. The problem has been liquidated. A selftreatment I exclude completely. Thankful in advance for the answer.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.08.2004, 13:32
The candidiasis is a problem in sorts or labors - the adhesion shvovo, above probability of breaks can worsen, is possible or probable infitsirovane the child. During beremenosti in any way on the child it does not influence. Lechenei preferably combined suppositories after a smear - polizhinaks, terzhinan