Просмотр полной версии : Who nibud became pregnant after reception Klostilbegita??? What statistics?...

03.08.2004, 19:03
Who nibud became pregnant after reception Klostilbegita???
What statistics?

04.08.2004, 11:53
I had a pregnancy after reception Klostilbegita, in the first month. But there was a retrogress.
After cleaning and an aftertreatment passed or took place still a course three treatments Klostilbegitom - pregnancy was not. After almost year break I am going to to pass or take place three more courses, can and it is vain.

05.08.2004, 13:18
Good afternoon the doctor to me is appointed or nominated djufaston about 21 days of a cycle to 10 days of reception. On however or as days are late monthly at such case. And whether can djufaston and before it or this still accepted klostilbegit to cause or call a thrush and that thus it is necessary to do or make. Thanks.