Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Thanks, that you is! To me of 46 years. 0.4 1.5 sites are found out...

01.08.2004, 18:34
Hello! Thanks, that you is!
To me of 46 years. 0.4 1.5 sites sm in a uterus (d-z a fibromyoma) are found out. I have T-a figurative spiral about 95 years. Put it or her in England, the doctor has told or said, that can stand till 10 years. By the way with a spiral problems with a cycle have ended, became regular and stable, as hours. I do not wish to delete a spiral.
Tell or Say please, HOW MUCH or AS FAR AS IT is necessary.
In a week at me operation on a thyroid gland (DTZ) is appointed or nominated. Accepted Mercazolilum 2 times for 2 years with a year break. Whether Mozhet-the myoma to be caused or called by the hormonal shifts connected with shchitovidkoj? Can after a resection shch.. The hormonal background will change also sites will start to resolve?

Oshchepkova S.R.
02.08.2004, 07:26
1. Naval Forces recommend to remove, if there is an endometriosis or a fibromatosis. 2. Yes, communication or connection between occurrence of a fibromatosis and gorm. Shifts in a board. To iron or gland is. 3. there is such probability, but unfortunately not always so happens.

03.08.2004, 03:28
Many thanks for the answer.
What excision of Naval Forces I is recommended know, than can threaten me refusal of excision? And how often it is necessary to supervise a status of fibromyomas? If the probability of a resorption vse-is realized, as it is soon possible to notice decrease of sites?

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.08.2004, 08:41
Basically, refusal of excision of a spiral threatens you nothing, it is necessary to observe only of a status endometrija (bleedings during a menses and intermenstrual). To supervise a status of a myoma it is necessary not less often than time in six months. Decrease of sites is observed not less than through 3 6 mes after treatment.

05.08.2004, 08:40
Once again thanks you for attention.