Просмотр полной версии : At first unsuccessful attempt EKO (without IKSI) at me it has been received much jajtsek...

25.07.2004, 09:48
At first unsuccessful attempt EKO (without IKSI) at me it has been received many ootids (17) in summary there were only 2 embryoses (at the others were marked or celebrated bad crushing, a stopping at a stage of pronucleuses). What probability of the same result at following attempt EKO? What it is possible to make to raise or increase quality of embryoses?

Kamenetskij B.A.
28.07.2004, 11:58
If there were no problems in a fertilization (t. e. It was impregnated not less than 60 % of ootids), most likely the reason as ootids. The reasons can be a little:
1. Unripe cells as a result of problems at a stage of stimulation (the report of stimulation in this case can skorrektirovan/be changed) are received; 2. Genetically determined defect of ootids (to change it is impossible, only application of donor ootids). Such conclusion can be made, if after carrying out of two attempts similar results are received. Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO/IKSI you can
Preliminary to enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center "AVA-PETER" Sankt-Petersburg./

29.07.2004, 10:55
Thanks huge for the answer. It was impregnated 12 of 17 ootids, but 2 - it is bad (I do not know for what reason). Whether could embriolog see, what ootids unripe? To me he nothing has told or said in this occasion.
I had a long report (diferelin and menogon). To me of 29 years. In the anamnesis - an external genital endometriosis II st, established or installed at a laparoscopy (coagulation of the centers and 3 months ljukrin-depot). After the termination or ending of treatment has passed or has taken place 11 months and 1 attempt EKO - is not present pregnancy (and never was). All rest - in norm or rate (hormones, pipes are passed or taken place; passable, a cycle regular (24 25 days, at the husband excellent or different spermogramma, infections are not present). How more correctly to correct the report in my case? How to achieve maturing of ootids?
P. S. 2 days prior to a puncture within 4 5 hours at me the body temperature up to 38 hailstones (food poisoning) has been raised or increased. Whether it could affect or influence maturing jajtskletok?
Yours faithfully, Julia.

02.08.2004, 03:21
Prompt, whether effectively such treatment with 5 on 9 put m. ts. klostilbegit, then for 8, 10, 12 day menogon. Then on 14 HGCH.? I Am flied or treated a floor of the year, any results! To me 21.

The anonym
04.08.2004, 08:51
JUlianna on September, 07th 2004 21 : 12 : 39
Prompt, whether effectively such treatment with 5 on 9 put m. ts. klostilbegit, then for 8, 10, 12 day menogon. Then on 14 HGCH.? I Am flied a floor of the year, any results! To me 21.

05.08.2004, 07:58
Address in conference "HOMEOPATHIST"!