Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 14.10.02 have made ljaproskopiju (is not confident as it is written...

04.08.2004, 07:54
To me 14.10.02 have made ljaproskopiju (is not confident as it is written), have found out an obstruction of pipes and a small cyst, and so, have told or said, that pipes cannot clean, because on any certain site cannot make it or this, and in occasion of pregnancy have shrugged brachiums supposedly in following year can spend procedure of an artificial fertilization, and even have explained a technique of preparation for procedure.
Certainly, all it grieves me, but here my question: at me at present the delay though also small, only 1 week, but before such phenomenon I did not observe of the organism, whether can be it a consequence of an operative measure, or vsyo-taki, it is possible to hope for pregnancy (natural by an opportunity of pregnancy only 1 % from all of 100 % so doctors have told or said), and whether it is necessary to me to sound alarm? And if costs or stands, when? And what, if monthly in general this month not nachnutsja?
Tell or Say, please!!!!!!!! And I do not know that, whether to me to hope, whether it is time already and to the doctor to run.

Kamenetskij B.A.
05.08.2004, 07:17
Disturbance of a menstrual cycle can be caused by the spent operative measure. As a rule the cycle is restored without a medicamental intervention. For specification of yours of 1 % make the standard test for pregnancy.