Просмотр полной версии : At me small erosion shejki uteruses. It was formed after sorts or labors. Later year with...

03.08.2004, 15:45
At me small erosion shejki uteruses. It was formed after sorts or labors. Later year was going to to treat. A smear on a cytology good. On bakposev handed over, when it was pregnant - too was good. Now at me new the doctor. She has decided to send me to hand over smears on ZPPP. What for it is necessary, if the analysis on bakposev normal? The analysis paid, can she wishes to beat out from me money (sends that to the private or individual clinic)? I am assured Of the husband on 100 %, that for this term he to me has not brought an infection.

Soboleva L.I.
05.08.2004, 06:22
Dear Svetlana! I do not see any reasons to do or make the analysis on ZPPP, if a smear on flora at present good. I am afraid, what is it attempt to extend from you money. Sozhalenju, such happens. It will be better, if you address to other doctor.