Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Tatyana Borisovna, is necessary for me consultation in occasion of GZT....

02.08.2004, 09:51
Good afternoon. Tatyana Borisovna, is necessary for me consultation in occasion of GZT. To me of 45 years. There were attributes of a climacterium - a sweating, inflow. But short-term and changeable. At body height of 159 sm my weight of 42 kg, t. e. Deficiency of mass of a body. I have addressed to the gynecologist, have handed over a blood on hormones. To me have diagnosed a climacteric syndrome. Have registered to drink either klimonorm, or trisikvest. At me a question - these preparations are equivalent or not, can be is better accept femoston, and all can this GZT is premature and it is possible to manage any fito-preparations.? At me the chronic cholecystitis, and in all summaries as contraindications is present disease of a liver. And more. My organism is not spoilt by medicines. I practically do not accept any tablets. I consult broths of grasses. And suddenly at once hormones. Inside all protests. Advise something alternative GZT. Very much I look forward to hearing. Thankful in advance. Natalia

Malanova T.B.
03.08.2004, 14:42
Natalia! All should be discussed these questions with the doctor on reception. I, in absentia, shall not discuss necessity of treatment and to recommend the variants.

05.08.2004, 06:20
Tatyana Borisovna if I did not doubt of the preparations appointed or nominated to me, probably, I has not addressed to you. I simply doubt of adequacy of the decision made by the doctor. On reception uvracha I have refused to accept hormones. Has asked to appoint or nominate fitolechenie, on what has received the answer - try or taste look fitopreparaty, have a drink them, at us about them data are not present. That's all advice or councils