Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! You and have not responded to my report. Here it: Zdrastvujte! Maine...

04.08.2004, 21:25
The doctor!
You and have not responded to my report.
Here it:
Zdrastvujte! My name is Irina. To me 19. We with my guy always are engaged sex only with condoms. But it would be desirable to try or taste and without them. I heard, that in first two days after the termination or ending of a menstrual cycle at employment or occupations by sex it is possible to not use condoms and to be assured or confident that you will not become pregnant. Whether so it? I can am mistaken? If yes, tell please about these "safe" days more in detail. In which days it is possible will not be protected??? Thanks

Oshchepkova S.R.
05.08.2004, 02:09
Teoriticheski the most dangerous days at 28 - a day time cycle - 14 - 15 (the moment of an ovulation), 5 days up to an ovulation (there live spermatozoons so much) and 3 days after an ovulation (there lives an ootid so much). NNo you should understand, that sometimes the ovulation occurs or happens earlier, sometimes later, therefore it is necessary to conduct the schedule and then it is possible to count precisely 3 days after an ovulation and to not be protected up to a following menses.