Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 17 years, a sexual life do not live, in bak-crop have found out...

25.07.2004, 12:07
Hello! To me 17 years, a sexual life do not live, in bak-crop have found out Trichomonases and more something similar. How there could be an infection in this case?

Malanova T.B.
27.07.2004, 16:00
Recollect, whence Trichomonases have undertaken. Treatment is necessary.

31.07.2004, 05:53
Here and it is interesting to me, how I have caught... If I a sexual life do not live.
How I could catch it or this?

The anonym
02.08.2004, 00:31
I had a similar situation with Trichomonases, and just before wedding: - (. Well, future husband has concerned with comprehension. Later I have read through, that Trichomonases - such "muck" which can be picked up even from a seat of a toilet bowl. At me only it is the version... Or pool. Therefore as at that time I about a sexual life even did not think, have made the analysis before wedding " simply just in case ", and there such: - (.

05.08.2004, 02:01
But in fact can not only pick up with sedenja a toilet bowl, but you in fact could catch a cold, so go to the gynecologist he to you vypishit than it is necessary to treat this muck of a tablet or dzhel, and speak, that the national agent an onion helps or assists.