Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please at me such situation, is usual we with parn...

26.07.2004, 07:24
Hello, prompt please at me such situation, is usual we with the guy we use a condom and not protected certificate or act was approximately 2, 5 months ago (the condom has slid off), and last time were engaged in sex approximately one month ago, monthly 2 months were, and here recently has decided so to pass or take place simply the test, and he has shown two strias but one hardly - hardly appreciable, whether there can be it pregnancy

The anonym
27.07.2004, 07:16
Even if hardly appreciable, but all pink (not yellow, as appears on some tests to designate a place where there should be a second stria) it is pregnancy. It is necessary to do or make the test in the morning. And personally I recommend frau test in such pink packing. He is considered the best.

28.07.2004, 23:58
Recently sdela the test know now and he has shown tolko one stria, before tests did or made... I do not remember what... Unfortunately after such news even has forgotten the name

The anonym
30.07.2004, 20:32
Know now too the good test, and here such blue, in each drugstore is, to me pregnancy did not show in general

The anonym
01.08.2004, 17:07
I shall try to find tomorrow frau test, and cht ovy tell or say on Eve's bill (blue vozmozhn ovy even about itself speak) and about something like mersi

04.08.2004, 23:17
frau test too has shown one stria, and in general a glitch any why only the first test has shown two and other only one