Просмотр полной версии : dev4enki podskajite 4to pri polikistoze nelza zaberemenet? ili vi..

The anonym
04.08.2004, 03:26
dev4enki podskajite 4to pri polikistoze nelza zaberemenet? ili sly4aytsa vikidiwi? ya o4en xo4y rebenka, no nekak

04.08.2004, 22:58
At me too a polycystosis (melkokistoznoe change of ovaries)... 2 years could not for beremenit... .nedavno zaberemenila also there was an abortion on 5 week WITHOUT any reasons... raz-and all! It seems to me, that in it or this the polycystosis too is guilty also... But all individually! Can be (I very much I hope) at All of you it will be normal! Success!