Просмотр полной версии : Izvenite opeati za shrift!!! 1. Vot ea tut spravki po internetu navela na...

04.08.2004, 14:48
Izvenite opeati za shrift!!!
1. Vot ea tut spravki po internetu navela na shiot mifeghina. Shto scazati. Ea abortov ne delala tak shto ne znaiu kak ih sravnivati meditynskii s hirurghiceschim. N shiot protivopokazanii etot mifeghin i ploh i horosh. Za cetyre cesa vsio gotovo a potom 10 18 dnei consulitathia esli shtoto ne tak. www. medabort. ru

2. Ea eshio pisala ob etom. Slyshala coneshno i tocino ne znaiu. Hotela sprositi. Meditunschii prostoi iod s molocom - govoreat budet vychidys. Vashy mnenia???
Slava bogu shto esti takoi sait!!!! I spasibo vam uvajaemaia Soboleva L. And!!!

Soboleva L.I.
04.08.2004, 20:27
Hello! Vo-the first in no event it is impossible to apply the methods similar to milk with an iodine. Can do much harm to the organism so, that then it cannot be corrected. Variants of abortion on early terms three: medicamental (really big impact for an organism), mini-abortion (vakuum-an aspiration) and tool abortion (a currettage of a cavity of the uterus). All methods have pluss and minuses. The best variant will address to the gynecologist right now and to define or determine neibolee a suitable method of an abortion.