Просмотр полной версии : Hello, tell or say when the breast starts to hurt or be ill;be sick?...

28.07.2004, 18:16
Hello, tell or say when the breast starts to hurt or be ill;be sick?

The anonym
30.07.2004, 23:05
In different cases - to a miscellaneous. For example, if to knock on her, at once.:)

01.08.2004, 13:05
Pri beremennosti za neskolko dnei do predpologaemoi menstruatsii grud nabuhaet, a potom uzhe posle zaderzhki (u menya 7 10 dnei) stali pokalyvat v oblaste oreolov soskov. I na protyazhenii vsei beremennosti grud pobalivaet i noet.

04.08.2004, 17:17
At all - to a miscellaneous. For example, at me right at the beginning of time 4 oshchushchulis unpleasant prickings and all. To us it is already fast on light to appear, and the breast and did not hurt or be ill;be sick never.