Просмотр полной версии : Larissa you have written that use nizkodozirovannye OK. If not a secret as...

Natalia for Larissa
04.08.2004, 00:59
Larissa you have written that use nizkodozirovannye OK. If not a secret what? Whether It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion for that OK duration of reception of the same influences its or his efficiency. One doctor to me has told or said that in due course efficiency OK can decrease. In advance thanks for the answer.

04.08.2004, 09:22
I do not know, it can you me larisoj have named by mistake?:-)
Just in case I shall respond. I accept tri-mersi hardly less year, it is very happy.
How much or As far as I know, efficiency of oral contraceptives at long application increases or is enlarged, rather the reverse.