Просмотр полной версии : y menya nashli squamous metaplastic cells, atypical cells repair. i eshe vo...

02.08.2004, 10:52
y menya nashli squamous metaplastic cells, atypical cells repair. i eshe vospalenie vstepeni moderate - severe, i tak tri rasa posle lechenia
chto eto priznak chegoto ili.......

03.08.2004, 04:32
And it is weak on russki to write?

04.08.2004, 07:32
To the first Irina you write to the wrong address, it is necessary to the histologist or the cytologist, in the second if your report authentic that at you attributes of damage and neogenesis of an epithelium of a vagina or shejki uteruses after what that treatments, on a background of inflammatory changes, voobshchem no trouble