Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Pregnancy of 30 weeks, serious. After three hospitalization vr...

01.08.2004, 10:32
Hello! Pregnancy of 30 weeks, serious. After three hospitalization the doctor has advised to prick houses magnesia. As a status uhuchshaetsja on weather, kolim out of need. Already time three (and it has begun in a maternity home) bad reaction to a nyxis was observed: right after vkalyvanija there was a fever on all body a wave. Tell or say, please, as it can be reflected in me and on the child. Wished to ask in occasion of so-called "hiccup" a fetus. Very much often in the bottom of a stomach or belly the uniform percussion, and not on one place is felt, (+-) 5 see I heard many opinions, it would be desirable to learn or find out, what is it actually. It very much disturbs me, as it occurs or happens on 5 times a day, approximately for 5 minutes. Many thanks.

02.08.2004, 22:41
Please, answer my question! Thanks!

04.08.2004, 02:51
oshushenie zhara na priem magnesii - ochen chastoe iavlenie, obuslovlenno v osnovnom rasshireniem sosudov. No ne poniatno kak vy reguliruete priem (po pogode?) i chem oslozhnena vasha beremennost. Ikota ploda - eto variant dyhania ploda - norma.