Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. On el. You have written to mail, that a picture of hormones at me sootvets...

03.08.2004, 00:31
Good afternoon. On el. You have written to mail, that the picture of hormones at me corresponds or meets to polycystic ovaries, but with the saved ovulation on a background gipoestrogenii. If the ovulation is saved, means at me there is a chance to become pregnant? Now I have started to accept djufaston with 16 on 25 d. A cycle. If I shall use test or dough Kliar the Plan how much or as far as its or his results will be deformed or distorted iz-for my diagnosis? And whether I can use it or him? Results KPI: 10 day - 23 %, 15 day - 15 %. (Like it is not enough). Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.08.2004, 21:10
No, results if the ovulation is possible or probable will not be deformed or distorted. And the chance to become pregnant is.