Просмотр полной версии : At me a two-corned uterus, put Naval Forces the first time twice was formed erosion, in...

The anonym
03.08.2004, 14:44
At me a two-corned uterus, put Naval Forces the first time twice was formed the erosion, second time constantly krovilo naturally it was necessary to delete. My gynecologist has advised prinomat OK "Novinnet" or "Logest" thus she that did not calculate, after reception "Novinnet" to me I was very bad also has passed on "Logest", like it's OK, whether but I wish to know the doctor has the right simply so to appoint or nominate OK, and whether I can accept further it or him or it is necessary to consult to someone still?

Shishkanova O.L.
03.08.2004, 20:34
Ok it is necessary to appoint or nominate, having made analyses (on coagulability of a blood, biochemistry of a blood). Make it now.