Просмотр полной версии : Doktor, pomogite! Mne 15 let i ja beremenna. delo v tom, cto moi paren ne p...

03.08.2004, 02:15
Doktor, pomogite! Mne 15 let i ja beremenna. delo v tom, cto moi paren ne protiv rebjenka, no predpocjel by, ctoby ja sdelala abort. Ja tverdo reshila rebjenka ostavit, poetomu budet lucshe esli ja skazu emu, cto mne nelzja delat abort.
Vot tut ne mogli by vy podskazat, v kakih slucajah nelzja delat abort i kak eto nazyvaetsja. V kakoi forme eto lucshe vsego prepodnesty. Ot vashego soveta zavisit, budet li u moego malysha papa.
Zaranee blagodarna

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.08.2004, 13:11
Actually abortion is counter-indicative only in case of rezusotritsatelnoj to a blood (if it is the first pregnancy), at infectious complications (they lechatsja and abortion is carried out). Much more often on the contrary - it is impossible to leave the child. The main reason on which it is impossible to interrupt pregnancy - not medical, but spiritual - not the life is given to us, not to us to solve or decide its or her future

03.08.2004, 19:39
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