Просмотр полной версии : Hello. 7 back I visited or attended manualnogo the therapist, which sk...

30.07.2004, 20:09
7 back I visited or attended manualnogo the therapist who has told or said, that at me is broken kobchik, and have started something to do or make with it or him, a pier to correct. After that I had javlenie-in the mornings a vagina lets out or releases air without a smell (I to you with it or this addressed). What is it? obscurely. The gynecologist (today) - inside very well has examined me, anything bad is not present. The gynecologist speaks, that does not know from what it: can it is valid manualnyj the therapist has promoted, and that infection, a cat can at me kakaja-. Causes it. Still there was a version, that I am engaged in sex in a strange pose, but she disappears, t. To. I am engaged in sex seldom (the guy comes time to 4 months) and a pose usual. Voobshchem the doctor has suggested to hand over analyses: a chlamydia (soskob, a blood), a ureaplasma, a tank. Crop, a Trichomonas, herpes; the pier can something is from this and it is the reason.
The doctor, what you think of it or this? Whether the therapist could manualnyj promote? Whether the infection (I do not know what) can to cause such? Or will address (to go on reception) to other doctor? Whether it is necessary to hand over these analyses?
Thankful in advance.

Malanova T.B.
03.08.2004, 10:05
I am not assured, what is it result of manipulations manualnogo the therapist, as also any infection. Probably, at you the sexual cleft or rima is short close (???). If other complaints, except for described, no so calm down. It not the most terrible in a life.