Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Boris Aleksandrovich! We with the husband are observed in the center planirov...

02.08.2004, 23:29
Hello, Boris Aleksandrovich! We with the husband are observed in the center of planning of family. Was not veniricheskih diseases (at both), pregnancy. At me the ootid does not ripen. Cycles of 32 38 days, happen and more. Gde-that with 20 26 d. ts. The basal temperature, but it not in each cycle rises. In September to me spent stimulation of an ovulation (klostilbegit, mikrofolin) - it is ineffectual. At me a microadenoma of a pituitary body and at her do not recommend to spend stimulation. What to me to do or make further? Prompt please. Thankful in advance.

Kamenetskij B.A.
03.08.2004, 05:11
Purpose or Appointment korregirujushchej giperprolaktinemiju therapies, can lead to normalization of a menstrual cycle. At absence of effect within a year, it will be necessary to consider or examine;survey a question on application EKO.