Просмотр полной версии : Dear girls! Very much I want the kid, but poku it is impossible. At me a cycle 28 d...

21.07.2004, 06:19
Dear girls! Very much I want the kid, but poku it is impossible. At me a cycle of 28 days, posledn. Monthly on May, 12th. We with the husband were engaged in sex on May, 22nd and 23 is 11 and 12 day of a cycle. Have decided to try or taste with an egg white. Pregnancy is how much probable and whether early we tried. Whether it is necessary to try or taste for 13 and 14 day of a cycle? In advance thanks for the answer

The anonym
25.07.2004, 06:09
Here to you and sex...

28.07.2004, 02:26
What interesting answer, and the main thing settling or exhausting;exhaustive!?

30.07.2004, 20:09
And you do not think of that when and how to be engaged in sex. It seems to me when you dumaesh about it or this constantly that it is impossible. Simply like each other and all will turn out. When we have decided to get or start the second child, I the first month constantly about it or this thought, raschityvala, but not that it has not turned out, and in the second month not ochem did not think and simply were not protected also all it has turned out.

31.07.2004, 08:15
It is necessary to try or taste when it would be desirable! Well also it is desirable, certainly, for 14 day of a cycle. Why so there is a question - whether " It is necessary to try or taste for 13 and 14 day of a cycle "? - it is necessary! Always it is necessary, if there is a desire zaberemenit. And that eventually stirs or prevents in 14 j day to borrow or occupy in IT or THIS...???

02.08.2004, 21:28
For what day - to you nobody will tell or say. It individually also is elementary calculated. But to continue attempts every day I do not advise, t. To. Spermatozoons so quickly are not restored. It is necessary in day.