Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! At me pregnancy of 38 weeks, starshyj the son was ill gripom. Hozh...

02.08.2004, 02:28
Good afternoon! At me pregnancy of 38 weeks, starshyj the son was ill gripom. I go in a gauze bandage, but chuvstuju that pershyt a throat and I cough. What to do or make and on how much it it is dangerous?

02.08.2004, 21:14
I think, that for the child it on the given term not dangerously, but t. To. Up to sorts or labors there was not enough time, and forces will be necessary for them and health, it is necessary to accept emergency measures. pokapat an interferon in a nose and on mucous a mouth or to apply viferon in suppositories, to rinse or gargle a throat Propolisum, and also the raised or increased doses askorbinki, or tea with a lemon is direct much. I wish the prompt convalescence.