Просмотр полной версии : The decree

02.08.2004, 11:14
At me such situation. In a place of job it is attached to an out-patient department, there there is a gynecologist. On term of 5 6 weeks has gone to it or him;them, has made US - dignoz - pregnancy of 5 6 weeks. On the account he has not had time to put me yet. And after that has gone to be observed to the familiar gynecologist absolutely in other hospital, but decretal bolnichn. The leaf or sheet needs to be received in an out-patient department in a place of job. A question: whether the gynecologist in an out-patient department in a place of job can give out to me the decretal leaf or sheet, giving reason it is what I at it or him was not observed and, possible to tell or say, was not registered, though rez-you the US at it or him is in my card on 5 6 week?

02.08.2004, 18:35
Dear Tanja! The Maternity leave (a hospital leaf or sheet) is a strict financial-legal reporting. You can receive it or him not in a place of observation (polukriminlno at the familiar gynecologist), but only there where the map of the pregnant woman (the uniform obligatory form across all Russia) is got or started. You can come to the doctor to the gynecologist on a residence, be registered, pass or registered, take place inspection and receive an official hospital leaf or sheet.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category the -gynecologist- the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.