Просмотр полной версии : doktor, zdravstvuite. 6 let nazad ia uspeshno zaberemennela, putem iskusstv...

31.07.2004, 20:18
doktor, zdravstvuite. 6 let nazad ia uspeshno zaberemennela, putem iskusstvennogo oplodotvorenia, rodila 2 zamechatelnih devochek. kakoi risk dlia moego zdorovia sushessptvuet posle iskusstvennogo oplodotvorenia? spasibo.

Kirsanov A.A.
02.08.2004, 15:08
Kira, it is unique, that that can kak-to affect or influence your health, it is spent strong enough hormonal stimulation. But this therapy is used with many years all over the world, researches of presence of negative influences of these stimulations on health of patients were repeatedly carried out (including in our country, in istitute oncologies) - any "bad" consequences has not been revealed.
www. mcrm. ru