Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please! Somebody knows about grants and others monetary vypl...

27.07.2004, 15:13
Prompt please! Somebody knows about grants and other monetary payments for the child? Where in this occasion to address and whether it is necessary to hope for something in general. In advance thanks!

28.07.2004, 15:45
Look or See on www. mama. ru there precisely there is an information. Right after sorts or labors and then monthly

30.07.2004, 05:39
To address costs or stands, will borrow or occupy it not so a lot of time and forces. According to positions of the Federal law from 19.05.1995 81 FZ About welfare payments to the citizens having children a lump sum (4.500, 00 rbl. + regional koefitsient) at a birth of the child is appointed or nominated and paid to one of parents or the face, its or his replacing, in a place of job (service, study) and if parents or the face, its or his replacing, does not work (does not serve, does not study) - by an organ of social protection of the population on a residence of the child. For purpose or appointment the application or statement, the information or inquiry from the REGISTRY OFFICE about a birth of the child is necessary, and the reference of the second parent, that did not pay such grant or manual to him. Payment should be made not later than 10 days from the moment of submission of the application or statement. Except for specified, since a month of a birth of the child you have the right to reception of the monthly grant or manual appointed or nominated and paid by organs of social protection of the population on a residence of the parent with the child (like 70, 00 rbl.). These are shared data for all Russians, in Moscow + the grant (rather appreciable). Success.

01.08.2004, 09:15
Now - to mine new tariffs for payments. And there there are more than money.

02.08.2004, 14:27
Till 1, 5 years - on care of the child 500, after 1, 5 years - 70 r. In a month. 140 days of a maternity leave are paid as the sick-list.