Просмотр полной версии : Within 1, 5 years accepted Morvilon. But now have decided to become pregnant. With nach...

31.07.2004, 02:15
Within 1, 5 years accepted Morvilon. But now have decided to become pregnant. From the beginning last monthly has passed or has taken place 35 days (all this period protivozachatotochnye a tablet did not accept), the menses does not come. Tests do not show pregnancy. Whether to consider or count it vse-taki as pregnancy, or such greater or big delay in connection with reorganization of an organism after a cancelling of the use of tablets is possible or probable? Whether the doctor on such term can establish or install pregnancy or still early?

The anonym
01.08.2004, 01:03
pomerjajte basal temperature. If she low - most likely is not present pregnancy. Hand over a blood on HGCH. It is meaningful to do or make US in couple of weeks of a delay, and that on the good apparatus to avoid misunderstanding.

01.08.2004, 17:30
Thanks for the answer. But, unfortunately, I do not know that such basal temperature and what its or her norms or rates. From explanations on search on the Internet I could not understand anything particularly.

02.08.2004, 12:04
In norm or rate BT looks like the flying seagull: in 1 half of cycle she below 37, 0, and in P to half - above. The schedule of the NORMAL cycle at LODOVITOJ women has following parameters (average duration of a cycle - 28 days is conditionally taken). 1. From 1 day of a cycle and before the termination or ending of menses BT consistently decreases from approximately 37, 0 up to approximately 36, 3 6, 5. 2. Approximately up to the middle of a cycle (in longer cycles - approximately about the day coming for 2 weeks prior to the beginning of a following menses) BT kolebletsja within the limits of 36, 3 36, 6. 3. For 2 weeks prior to the beginning of a following menses the OOTID in this connection BT within 3 4 days raises or increases up to 37, 1 37, 3. (At many women before rising for 1 2 days BT can decrease on 0, 1 0, 2*) RIPENS. 4. During P phases BT keeps within the limits of 37, 0 37, 4. 5. For 2 3 days prior to the beginning of menses BT starts to decrease, reaching or achieving to its or her beginning approximately 37, 0. 6. The difference between average BT the second phase and BT the first phase should be not less than 0, 4 0, 5*. Described - an ideal which meets seldom enough. Deviations or rejections can be various, and each feature testify to the certain disturbances. 1. During menses BT does not decrease, and raises or increases - presence of a chronic endometritis (an inflammation of a mucosa of a uterus), one of the reasons of female sterility or barrenness. 2. In 1 phase BT high (36, 6 and above) - the low maintenance or contents of estrogens (female sexual hormones), the reason nesozrevanija ootids in the given cycle. 3. Rise BT in the middle of a cycle lasts more than 3 days - an ootid either has not ripened, or is impractical. Pregnancy in this cycle is doubtful. 4. P a phase less - failure P of a phase, an ootid has not ripened than 12 14 days, or weak, a fertilization in doubt. 5. In P to phase BT has one or several retractions (decreases below 37, 0) - the ootid was lost. 6. Depression BT before a menses lasts more than 3 days - the ootid was weak, conception is doubtful. 7. The menses is absent, and BT keeps within the limits of P phases MORE than 2 weeks - a probable sign of pregnancy. Tests for pregnancy are necessary. 8. The menses is absent, but BT has decreased below 37, 0 - pregnancy is very doubtful, most likely it is a question of dysfunction of ovaries. 9. The menses poor or scanty or unusual, and BT keeps above 37, 0 - pregnancy on a background of threat of discontinuing is possible or probable. Tests for pregnancy are necessary. 10. The difference between average value or meaning;importance BT 1 and P phases less than 0, 4* - an ootid does not ripen. 11. In the middle of a cycle there is a double rise: BT raises or increases, for example, up to 37, 1 for 1 day, then decreases up to 36, 8 for 1 2 days, and then raises or increases up to 37, 2 37, 4 and so keeps up to the extremity or end - usually attribute of the stranger vozduejstvija at 1 rise (disease, diarrhea, etc. - sm special marks). 12. In the middle of a cycle there is a double rise: BT raises or increases, for example, up to 37, 2 for 2 3 days, then decreases up to 36, 8 for 1 2 days, and then raises or increases and keeps above 37, 0, but not so it is steady, as it is usual - the ootid was lost right after maturing.