Просмотр полной версии : To me of 20 years, in 17 I have made obort. Whether doctors after operation have told or said nothing...

29.07.2004, 23:26
To me of 20 years, in 17 I have made obort. Doctors after operation have told or said nothing only the nurse has approached or suited and poklav an arm or a hand on a stomach or belly has told or said: " a good uterus at you ". Since then I set to myself vopros--whether I can have children!? Probably it was necessary to ask at once and to not be excruciated all these years??! Tell or say to me probably it is necessary to hand over analyses on sterility or barrenness and uspokoetsja! Advise that that to me???

The anonym
30.07.2004, 16:47
poidi i proversea i uspokoisea. rasve eto tak trudno

01.08.2004, 02:17
To do or make nothing. If complaints are not present - easier or simply to throw out this dur from a head and to not fly any more.

popenko. Century
01.08.2004, 10:16
Hello Veronica.
Your experiences are not groundless, t. To. The most frequent reason of sterility or barrenness is the made medical abortion. Not experience you can to pass or take place inspection: Survey of the gynecologist, US to be checked up on an infection, to define or determine permeability of uterine pipes, to look or see a level of hormones of a blood (FSG, Prolactinum, 3, 4, TTG)

Irtuganov N.S.
02.08.2004, 00:34
Dear Veronica! Hormones of a thyroid gland (3, 4, TTG) to define or determine at your questions at all has no sense. For check of permeability of pipes it is necessary to have weighty indications. And here to see a doctor, make smears, US and to check rectal temperature not less than 3 h menstrual cycles it is meaningful. Do not worry, with very big degree of probability. You can become mother. Success!