Просмотр полной версии : Advise pozh-that how competently to plan a floor of the child. I do not believe in " women...

24.07.2004, 10:21
Advise pozh-that how competently to plan a floor of the child. I do not believe in " babushkiny methods ". Very much we want the girl

26.07.2004, 04:10
Scientific magazines write what to plan a floor of the child - scientific it is impossible. So or believe babushkinym to ways, or hope for a lottery

28.07.2004, 18:25
The further there was a contact up to an ovulation, the it is more probability of a birth of the girl, t. To spermat. With H-chromosomes live more longly. At me contact was approximately 5 days prior to predpolag. Ovulations, in itoge-the girl (that we very much wanted), and for the first time poluch. The boy, but that was a honeymoon and attitudes or relations were very intensive. And in general esteem about it or this on the Internet, at me, for example all has turned out. Success.

28.07.2004, 21:07
Come on this site, can will help or assist, success.
http: // www. tatsel. ru/health/pol. htm

The anonym
01.08.2004, 11:32
And you vse-taki want the child???

01.08.2004, 19:27
It completely agree with Twisted. Only having studied or investigated as there live chromosomes and to pick up day concerning an ovulation. And more believe nothing. Even to the well-known method of updating of a blood (about which even in medinstitutah tell) do not trust, at me on this method all has left on the contrary.