Просмотр полной версии : We with the husband very much want the child. Through how much days after prospective for...

29.07.2004, 00:00
We with the husband very much want the child. Through how much days after prospective conception it is possible to check up result under the test for pregnancy. (whether it is possible to learn or find out it up to prospective monthly) Thanks.

The anonym
29.07.2004, 23:34
After conception of days through 7 10 (the test can show). But it is better after a delay.

The anonym
30.07.2004, 13:37
You mozhite to take basal temperature if conception has come or stepped the temperature will not be menshi 37, 0 (at me changed from 37, 0 up to 37, 4). To measure it is necessary in the morning, not rising with a bed, 8 10 minutes.

31.07.2004, 12:53
With the last it do not agree. After an ovulation in the second phase of a cycle (ljuteinovaja, it it seems) the temperature in any case should keep at the raised or increased level (approximately ka in day of an ovulation). If it not so it already is considered a deviation or rejection - insufficient development or manufacture of a hormone. This hormone is necessary for maintenance of POSSIBLE or PROBABLE pregnancy. If the temperature in the second phase keeps 16 days and more pregnancy is very probable. Well and furthermore if already and a delay. Though by schedules of basal temperatures on www. wantbaby. ru there is everyone.