Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I cannot zaberemennet, have handed over all analyses, all in norm or rate except for...

31.07.2004, 00:32
Hello! I cannot zaberemennet, have handed over all analyses, all in norm or rate except for Prolactinum (836) and FSG (28), handed over in the second phase. Whether prompt, please, is it the reason of sterility or barrenness, and what for before writing out a medicine for depression of Prolactinum to do or make rengen heads (a saddle turkish)? What is the medicines so are dangerous? Thankful in advance for the help.

popenko. Century
31.07.2004, 11:30
Hello polina.
The reason giperprolaktinemii (the raised or increased maintenance or contents proloktina) can be a microadenoma (tumour) of a pituitary body which comes to light or is taped at kompjutenoj roentgenographies of a skull, turkish saddle. This research is necessary before purpose or appointment of the preparations reducing a level of Prolactinum. At an adenoma of a pituitary body a method of treatment - an oncotomy.
giperprolaktinemija can cause sterility or barrenness.