Просмотр полной версии : It was surveyed polnustju have found only an obstruction of the right pipe. Did or made pr...

31.07.2004, 00:27
It was surveyed polnustju have found only an obstruction of the right pipe. Did or made a tubal insufflation (4 times), have written out gemoopaticheskie tablets memo. I drink the second month helps or assists nothing. The husband is completely healthy. Pregnancy and does not come. What to do or make?

Ter-Ovakimjan A.E.
31.07.2004, 08:23
At an obstruction uterine trub-an insufflation (kimopertubatsija), the physiotherapy, medicinal preparations are not effective.
I recommend to visit or attend a site www. vip03. ru, links operative gynecology, a plasty of uterine pipes, adherent or adhesive potsess