Просмотр полной версии : 15 weeks of pregnancy. Already second time I catch a cold, the temperature rises...

30.07.2004, 20:18
15 weeks of pregnancy. Already second time I catch a cold, the temperature, sopli, tussis rises. How to be treated?

30.07.2004, 22:34
1. Temperature up to 38 to not force down, if above that Paratsetomol. 2. To rinse or gargle a throat a solution of broth romashki/shalfeja/the hydrochloric solution, to irrigate with Faringoseptum. 3. In nose Pinosol/a hydrochloric solution. 4. Plentiful drink, not too hot, t. To. There is a temperature: tea with medom/morsy cranberry, cowberry. The Confinement to bed. Success and the prompt convalescence.