Просмотр полной версии : Addition to report Lany: endometrial adnations (synechia), an endometriosis...

28.07.2004, 20:51
Addition to report Lany: endometrial adnations (synechia), an endometriosis shejki uteruses, mat. The pipe is passed or taken place;passable (ventilnyj a sactosalpinx), peritubarnye solderings, adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. Please, your opinion, whether is at me chance to become pregnant when after operation it is possible to try or taste (I repeat, excuse) Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
30.07.2004, 14:35
Within the limits of this forum often enough ask a question on permeability of uterine pipes, restoration of their permeability, partial permeability (insignificant solderings in a small basin) both td and td and td.
At once I wish to note, what even after carrying out of reconstructive operation on uterine pipes and to separation of solderings in a small basin and zakljucheniii the surgeon, that pipes became passed or became taken place;became passable, literally it means the following.
1. The uterine pipe carries out the transport function not only due to permeability. After restoration of its or her permeability operative she is by really formally passable (why formally? t. To. She is passed or taken place;passable for a contrast agent (liquid) which enter for check of its or her permeability after a canalization. The patient pochemu-that piously believes, that restoration of permeability means permeability for an ootid.
2. In the second at once after the termination or ending of an operative measure new solderings can be formed again (and often happens so). Besides do not forget, that for check of permeability of a uterine pipe a contrast agent enter by means of a syringe under pressure, and the ootid should pass or take place this way without it or him, but under influence of other transport factors.
3. Now about the transport factors also influencing passage of an ootid on a uterine pipe. Vnutrennja the wall of a uterine pipe is covered by a special tissue (a villiferous epithelium) which by means of microvillis "adjusts" an ootid to a uterus. The transferred or carried inflammatory process (a salpingitis, a salpingo-oophoritis, adnesit), destroys or blasts a villiferous epithelium and by that this component of transport function is lost. Appear vnutritubarnye solderings which besides at formal permeability are prepjadstviem for passage of an ootid. The probability of offensive or approach of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis after such intervention increases.
4. The transferred or carried inflammatory process breaks and nervno-the muscular apparatus of a uterine pipe, that it or her sokratitelnaja activity (in norm or rate muscular reductions allow an ootid to move on a permeable uterine pipe to the necessary party or side) can be absent or can be diskoordinirovannym.
Well and conclusions, in occasion of the conclusion uterine pipes are passed or taken place;passable try to make.

Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO you can preliminary enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./

Now some words about that volume, how much it is necessary to be protected after an operative measure. I shall result or bring a short example and I shall begin with voporosa on which I shall give answers: How you think through what time interval the bleeding if you casually will cut a finger will stop? (the answer: in 2 5 minutes). Through what time interval the cicatrix will be generated on this place? (the answer: within day) whether this cicatrix if you will influence it or him electrolight, muds, ultrasound . Will disappear? (the answer: No, not ischznet. Its or his properties, t can change. e. He becomes less appreciable, more extensible, but no more that.) almost the same occurs or happens also an abdominal cavity after an operative measure. If solderings are formed, they are formed within the first day and consequently the risk of offensive or approach of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis after prevyh at all is more than day than in a year, after carrying out of operation.