Просмотр полной версии : Dear colleagues! To me the student medinstituta with the following has addressed...

29.07.2004, 13:01
Dear colleagues!
To me the student medinstituta with a following question has addressed. At its or her son FKU. The diagnosis is put in 1994 when to the child was 1 month. A dietetics have begun was well-timed, the child under constant observation genetics and the pediatrist. At present the child is on a protein-free diet with addition of hydrolysates of fiber "Tetrafen" (Moscow). Earlier accepted fenil-fri, but in connection with absence of deliveries to Ukraine has passed on tetrafen. Approximately in a month after change of a preparation rising a level of Natrii phosphases in urine, though a status of the child satisfactory was observed: parameters of a blood within the limits of norm or rate (concentration a hair drier - 6 at norm or rate for the sick child 6 8). A question: whether the augmentation of Natrii phosphases in urine with FKU is connected or it testifies to other pathology? I, unfortunately, could not find in the literature of any data in this occasion.

Yours faithfully
kaf. Biochemistry of the Dnepropetrovsk medical academy

Dr J Mezheritskiy
30.07.2004, 14:18
Svyzi povisheniya fosphatov v moche pri FKU ne nashel vmirovoy literature:-). Banalniy vopros: a v novoy formule kakoe soderganie fosphatov?
Biochem krovi ne delali? (Krome phen?)
Teoreticheski moget svidetelstvovat o pochechnoy patologii (i / ili iPTH povishen).