Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I wrote you any time about the thrush. I shall tell in detail: ..

29.07.2004, 11:09
The doctor, I wrote you any time about the thrush. I shall tell in detail:
I pereodicheski was ill or sick with a thrush because of which me the cystitis began. As urologists invektsija from a vagina speak got in uretrokanal, on what they to me have suggested to transfer or carry it or him above, I have disagreed, having decided to cure genital illnesses or diseases. I was surveyed in Pasteur's Institute, any serious diseases were not, it was 1 one year ago, the husband too was surveyed, but not so carefully. It's OK. I accepted Logest, have then ceased. As after each affinity at me a colpodynia and before input of a sexual member too. I have gone about one month back to the doctor and to me have made analyses have told or said, that I am healthy and that at me it at a psychological level, I have gone to psihonevropatologu he have registered to me tablets of type: pentol or rentol, I do not remember on a floor of a tablet two times a day from pavor, I them would have a drink 2 weeks like pavor have decreased, and 2 days ago as I already wrote to you we with the husband were overzealous and at me the itch in a vagina and accordingly a cystitis has begun, I have gone to the doctor - the THRUSH, the doctor has told or said and has registered to me: Vobenzim 400 tabl, a bur in Glycerinum, Gino-pevaril, Difljukan or Nizaral in tablets, and to the husband levorinovaja or Unguentum Nystatini, also has sent to gastrozhnterologu having told or said, that is possible or probable at me a dysbacteriosis, gastrozhnterolog anamaly has not found, has told or said that disb-z at everyone to a greater or lesser extent. Also has advised Laktobakterin liquid for application in a vagina. WHETHER I WOULD LIKE TO ASK EFFECTIVELY SET forth above TREATMENT, WHETHER it is necessary TO USE LAKTOBAKTERIN, CAN HAND over the ANALYSIS to the HUSBAND WHAT, And SOMETHING CAN At me With HEAD CHTO-??? RESPOND PLEASE.

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.07.2004, 11:18
I hope, that a smear on flora have taken before to register treatment... In my opinion, correct enough scheme or plan - nizoral 5 days, gino pevaril, vobenzim, + pimafukort or Clotrimazolum (not a bur in Glycerinum). Laktobakterin it is impossible to apply at a candidiasis (greetings to the gastroenterologist). To the husband necessarily smear on flora. Before reception of results by a sexual life it is better to not live. Plus be not afraid, after course of treatment at all of you it is normalized, with a sexual life all will be by way of