Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Prompt, please. The situation is those. Till July I accepted...

29.07.2004, 01:23
Hello. Prompt, please. The situation is those. Till July I accepted ZHanin - 5 t cycles (me 25 years - a nodal struma 2 oh degrees). In first three cycles were proryvnye bleedings which stopped as soon as I started to drink on 2 tablets at once (from other pack) - so the Doctor has advised. In 4 ohm a cycle - no problems existing - all has passed or has taken place smoothly and I already was have thought, that the organism adapted. But in 5 ohm a cycle, on 10 oh to a tablet - botched work has again begun. I have gone to the doctor and he has recommended to me to replace ZHanina on Marvelon, having told or said that on Marvelone my problems should stop. I and have made and after a seven-day break have passed on Marvelon. 3 cycles all were remarkable. But during 4 go cycle Marvelona at me have begun normal monthly on 17 oh to a tablet. But I continued to drink tablets up to the extremity or end of packing. Monthly have ended just when the seven-day break should begin and consequently the menses has not come to a seven-day break. Nevertheless I have continued to accept tablets according to the instruction. And here now, at me has ended 5 yj a cycle of reception Marvelona. During reception, on 11 oh to a tablet at me something has again begun like monthly (only hardly were more poor than allocation), but 4 days, as monthly proceeded. And now at me 7 yj a break. As it is necessary send or have come monthly, but very poor or scanty. And now before me there is a question - what to do or make further??? To drink Marvelon again, in hope, what proryvnye bleedings will end or to pass to other contraceptives? And if on others what to me can approach or suit in my situation?? I look forward to hearing with impatience!!! Thanks, that you is!

Soboleva L.I.
30.07.2004, 08:20
Hello! I would recommend to replace a contraceptive, but selection of a preparation is carried out only internally.