Просмотр полной версии : Hello, We with the husband live almost year and I cannot zabaremenet. podskazh...

29.07.2004, 16:17
Hello, We with the husband live almost year and I cannot zabaremenet. Prompt, whether can genekolog define or determine without analyses the reason. If is not present, I should hand over what analyses.

Kuharkin S.A.
30.07.2004, 08:15
Begin with man's inspection is easier and more cheaply. And man's sterility or barrenness on rasprostarenneosti zanimete is very poorly less, than female. Man's inspection: 1) Speromgramma + MAR the test 2) US + doppler scrotums 3) Consultation androloga is a minimum, kotryj will give pratkicheski vseju the information on an opportunity of conception from it or this the man and the reasons of disturbance. If is. doplentelnoe inspection for the man - hormonal. Genetic. Bacteriological it is necessary tolko in that case. If will are found out expressed izmenepnija at first two items or points that happens no more, than in 55 cases. Female inspection: 1) Consultation of the gynecologist, 2) US of a small basin 3) opredelneie ovulations - the schedule rectal teperatury, laboratrnye and US criteria of an ovulation 4) Hormones (FSG, LG, Oestradiolum, Prolactinum, Testosteron-Depotum, Progesteronum, hormones of a thyroid gland) 4) the Status of a vagina and shejki matki-smears and a colposcopy, if necessary research of postcoital cervical slime. 5) at suspicion not trubno-peritoneal sterility or barrenness - a laparoscopy (the Hysterosalpingography - gives less information). Doplnitelnye issledvanija can it is required at revealing a pathology at any stage above listed.