Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, thanks for the answer in occasion of puz. Drift 9.01.04. It would be desirable uto...

27.07.2004, 22:04
The doctor, thanks for the answer in occasion of puz. Drift
9.01.04. It would be desirable to specify why it is impossible to try to become pregnant the whole 2.5 years? At me all hormones except for (4-shchitovidka) in norm or rate, were stabilized for 3 m-tsa without preratatov. And still why at good hormones poor or scanty monthly? I very much ask to help or assist to understand - very much I want the baby!

Rabaev S.G.
30.07.2004, 02:26
In occasion of terms of an opportunity b-ti consult with
Doctors a cat. You treated. On the average two years it is necessary to wait for exception of possible or probable complications and relapse of disease. Concerning poor or scanty mesjachny
In absentia to answer your question it is impossible in connection with greater or big kol-vom the possible or probable reasons.