Просмотр полной версии : Term of 4 weeks, age of 28 years, in 18 years was abortion. Threat of an abortion and besplo...

28.07.2004, 19:09
Term of 4 weeks, age of 28 years, in 18 years was abortion. Threat of an abortion and sterility or barrenness II. Now I am in 1 women hospital. Today have written out nyxes of MAGNESIA with OSTENSIBLY hemostatic effect. What for I shall not understand (any preconditions is not present). I have refused. Have forced to sign refusal. What for a preparation and whether it is necessary to accept it or him?

Oshchepkova S.R.
29.07.2004, 13:40
Magnesia at pregnancy can will be applied as: spasmolytic, purgative, hypotensive, cholagogue, uspakaivajushchee, sedative and an anticonvulsant. In critical durations of gestation prophylaxis of threat of an abortion, and 4 weeks just such term is spent. The preparation is harmless to you and a fetus.