Просмотр полной версии : wo wremja sexa s moim partnerom u nas porwalsa prezerwatiw i sperma popala...

27.07.2004, 17:35
wo wremja sexa s moim partnerom u nas porwalsa prezerwatiw i sperma popala wo wlagalishe. segodnja subbota i do ponedelnika u menja absolutno ne sushestwuet wozmozhnosti pojti k ginekologu na obsledowanie. ja prinemaju protiwozachatochnye tabletki i wo wtornik ja ozhidaju mesachnye. dazhe esli mesachnye nachnutsa wo wremja (toest cherez 4 dnja posle proishestwija) mogu li ja byt uwerennoj w tom, chto ja ne beremenna? podskazhite pozhalujsta kak mne byt.. mozhno li do ponedelnika kakim libo obrazom umenshit risk beremnnosti w domashnih uslowijah? spasibo ogromnoe za konsultaziju!

Maljarskaja M.M.
28.07.2004, 13:43
If you apply contraceptive from the first or 5 bdnja this cycle it is already enough of it or this for 100 % preohranenija, preezrvativ is not necessary, and no pregnancy can be. If you accept them not on a regular basis, (what for?), in general, emergency contraception: within 72 hours after the sexual certificate or act accept so much tablets chttoby 100 mkg etinilesradiola (look or see on a pack the maintenance or contents in one teabletke) and in 12 hours as much again have turned out.
But I repeat: if reception of tablets from the beginning of a cycle nothing is necessary. And to the doctor it is not necessary, earlier, than in a week nothing is found out