Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I passed or took place antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory treatment and hormonal rubbed...

27.07.2004, 16:29
I passed or took place antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory treatment and hormonal therapy (Progesteronum) in current of 3 months. Under the indicating of the doctor should accept Logest three months prior to planned attempt to become pregnant. Has addressed to other doctor (washing was in holiday) and he has advised me not Logest, and Regulon (that ovaries had completely a rest). Regulon I accepted 8 months, transferred or carried well, have grown thin, the skin became better, the general or common status too. Has ceased to accept and began to feel worse. For three months without tablets the question with pregnancy should be postponed (with a teeth of a problem) and I have decided to continue reception. In the first month the skin became better, and all has then begun in accuracy up to on the contrary. A strain in a breast, has typed or collected weight, on a back pustules, there are strong headaches for 2 3 day, the desire has disappeared. It disturbs me. It means di, what the preparation does not approach or suit me or it is necessary to do or make a break? To me of 30 years, did not give birth or travail, it is inclined to completeness. While I solve problems on preparation for pregnancy I do not wish to risk with other methods of contraception. Give advice or council, please.

Soboleva L.I.
28.07.2004, 13:07
Hello! Now it is better to you to replace a contraceptive. It is necessary to spend inspection of your hormonal status, discuss it with the attending physician. Probably, there is a necessity to start to accept a contraceptive with antiandrogenic effect (for example, ZHanin).