Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! After a laparoscopy to me have appointed or nominated course of treatment an endometriosis...

26.07.2004, 22:47
The dear doctor! After a laparoscopy to me have appointed or nominated course of treatment of an endometriosis by hormones (intramuscular nyxes of -depot) and ordered to be protected. But at us with the husband in couple of weeks after the first nyxis the condom has torn. Since this moment has passed or has taken place month, and recently at me any strange sensations have begun: the periodic nausea, whether diarrhoeas, etc. Can be it pregnancy? Whether it is possible by means of the usual test or dough (Be Sure or dr.) to learn or find out, whether I am pregnant or at hormonal treatment the test can be mistaken?


Pasenjuk A.M.
28.07.2004, 00:51
It can be pregnancy, that it is possible to specify by means of the house test for pregnancy (hormones not a handicap because the test reacts on HGCH - a hormone of a fetus) and by means of US.