Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I wish to start to accept Mersilon. I suffer dermal disease...

27.07.2004, 10:53
Hello! I wish to start to accept Mersilon. I suffer dermal disease and I accept series of medicines how they will be reflected in action OK? Glitsin, Acidum folicum, Aevitum, Essentiale forte, hafitol and jodomarin. Whether it is necessary to accept in general Mersilon? Something Can another? I do not drink, I do not smoke, basically is healthy. Thanks!

Soboleva L.I.
27.07.2004, 16:18
Hello! I have not understood with which purpose you wish to accept a preparation: for contraception or for dermal effect. But in any case Ok it is possible to accept alongside with your preparations. Try to drink simply different medicines at various times day. Which contraceptive approaches or suits you - it is possible to solve only after internal survey.