Просмотр полной версии : Hello! How to be protected that not zaberemenit and not zarozitsja inf...

26.07.2004, 14:52
How to be protected that not zaberemenit and not zarozitsja infektsionye illnesses or diseases. I yet when was not protected: ((yes I also conduct a sexual way of life very seldom)

27.07.2004, 05:25
The most effective - a condom.

27.07.2004, 10:05
Both from pregnancy and from infections you will be protected only with a condom. But if you will have a constant partner to which you awake to trust, then it will be possible to drink only tabletki-oral kontratseptivy. But to you the gynecologist should appoint or nominate them. Then and the condom is not required to you. Come on a site www. contraceptive. ru and learn or find out about it or this more in detail.