Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I accept "Regividon". My questions are those: At otm...

Otvette, please!!!
26.07.2004, 11:50
Hello, the doctor!
I accept "Regividon". My questions are those: At a cancelling of a preparation (7 dnevnyj a break) at me the bleeding begins not at once and later 2 days
1. Why so occurs or happens?
2. Whether it is normal?
3. Whether 2 days when I any more do not accept a tablet are possible in these or it, to have sexual contacts without risk to become pregnant?
Thanks for answers!

27.07.2004, 07:43
Closely or Attentively read the summary to preporatu: monthly should begin in 2 4 days after a cancelling preporata, these days the risk to become pregnant same as well as during reception.