Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me of 19 years, and my breast is not developed completely not. That to me of affairs...

25.07.2004, 17:45
Hello the doctor! To me of 19 years, and my breast is not developed completely not. What to me to do or make, that though kak-that to increase its or her volume? Whether are capable of it special a cream and hormonal preparations?

Oshchepkova S.R.
27.07.2004, 03:46
. In Krasnodar, in the Center "MACHUGA" there was a new revolutionary preparation " Natural Push-up " by means of which each woman can give to the breast rotundity and elasticity. " Natural Push-up " does not contain neither medical products, nor products of an animal parentage, hormones, but only natural products and fito extracts which, acting on receptors of a mammary gland, cause growth of a glandular tissue. In other sites of a body of these receptors is not present, therefore accepting " Natural Push-up ", the woman does not grow stout.

This preparation has been developed to supply a female breast with the substances promoting augmentation of its or her size and giving to her of the beautiful form. Action of a preparation begins after 4 6 weeks of application. Your breast becomes fuller and resilient. After the preparation will start to operate or work, you solve, how long to prolong a course.

Numerous researches have shown, that " Natural Push-up " reduces risk of disease by a cancer of a mammary gland, improves body height of hair, fingernails or nails, strengthens a peristalsis of an intestine, reduces premenstrual signs, improves a physical status.

" Natural Push-up " it is recommended also to women with big, but atonichnoj a breast. In this case you should not buy to yourselves a bra of the greater size, you simply can not put on it or him any more as amazing elasticity and desirable volume of your breast will be saved during many years. A preparation advertise or promote well, but in otzyvav in a real life did not hear. I advise to consult to the cosmetician.