Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! After sorts or labors the bottom of a stomach or belly often began to hurt or be ill;be sick me, especially...

26.07.2004, 11:36
The dear doctor! After sorts or labors the bottom of a stomach or belly often began to hurt or be ill;be sick me, especially by the evening and when you lift serious subjects. To the doctor I have addressed only months six later when pains became intolerable, in fact before I thought, that there is a reorganization of an organism, and the cycle at me has increased. The doctor has told or said, that at me vospolenie appendages, thus all rest by way of. Though I also have passed or have taken place course of treatment, nevertheless pains have still remained, tell or say please what to do or make in this case? For what reasons there was this illness or disease? And whether it is possible to lift serious subjects including the child, in fact the kid already weighs nearby 9., and lifting it or him is kak-as if cut. What in kg. A limit. Many thanks.

27.07.2004, 00:48
Dear doctors! Though somebody answer my questions! Please!