Просмотр полной версии : I wish to share with you my trouble, as you as anybody another smozh...

21.07.2004, 00:22
I wish to share with you my trouble as you as anybody another can understand me. To us 25 weeks, till now pregnancy proceeded well (not including 2 h weeks of a toxicosis). I work in an educational institution and in this connection often heard from colleagues: " Ask the sick-list, for you too a greater or big load, doctors are now reinsured ", etc. I, to tell the truth, did not understand what for to me the sick-list, in fact I perfectly feel myself, even it seemed, that forces with the advent of the kid have increased.
There has come or stepped summer, before holiday (worker) 1 month and me was directed on job to children's city camp. I shall not describe all of charm of job by the tutor and massovikom-the inventor, but all anything if not campaigns up to the House of creativity, a recreation center, Sportploshchadki and it every day. I at all did not assume, that to me will be serious, because already had experience of such job. In 3 days I began to feel a strong strain in the bottom of a stomach or belly, not speaking already about weariness (in the evening I simply was ready to drop). Time of scheduled visiting ZHK has approached or suited and I have solved, that I can "ask" the sick-list and it became my mistake or error. The doctor to me has listened with the stone face, but the sick-list has written out. Since this moment the attitude or relation to me of my divisional izmnenilos. She communicates with me so, that I feel simuljantkoj. To tell or say more precisely does not communicate, During my last visit she has told or said to me of 3 offers: " Be weighed. Lay down on a couch. You will come in a week, I shall write out. " Even usual " As yourself you feel? " Was not (about any consultations and advice or councils and speeches is not present). I would write off or copy all on character, mood... But I see, how she communicates with other pregnant women (even zavidno a little) - smiles, names by name and all in this sort. I do not understand, than I have deserved to myself such attitude or relation, like was not rude and is impudent myself did not conduct.
Mum has told or said simply: " All now want money ", and the girlfriend in general " without a chocolate " in ZHK does not go. But how it is possible or probable?! Same its or her job!!! I at all do not demand, that me "licked", but I have the right to elementary respect and consultation?
For myself I see an output or exit, I shall address in paid clinic to the good expert (thought simply earlier, that to me it to what). And how those who does not presume it or this? In fact so important to have close or attentive, grammotnogo observing doctor.
Girls, tell as there are receptions in ZHK at you. I can in chyom-that is wrong and I do not understand something. I shall wait for your opinion.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 22:48
Marina, be not upset in vain. In ZHK doctors seldom happen good. I the doctor for all pregnancy at all has not given me of any sick-list though I had a strong toxicosis and me began toshnit simply from walking. And in general each time when my analyses came and they were good, she spoke what horror, with you it is completely not interesting. Therefore in ZHK I was observed to receive only the decretal sick-list. And advice or councils received at the doctor in paid clinic. So be not upset. As now it is harmful to you.

25.07.2004, 20:27
It is necessary to wait 30 weeks, and in a lawful maternity leave! And nobody has the rights to you to give up, your heads, not yours the doctor. And in general, familiarize with the rights more in detail and budute uvereneyo in itself.

26.07.2004, 23:19
Marisha, keep!!! Itself the teacher also I represent as you now hardly. In Latvia all is much easier. I have come to the family doctor (the local therapist), have told or said, that the sick-list is necessary to me and has left a cabinet or study with that behind what has come. And now to work till a birth of the kid any more I shall not be, and to us now 8 nedelek.